Departmental Detailed Information  


To provide universal and equal access to quality basic and secondary education that will ensure self-reliance, preparedness for further education, good citizenship and effective participation in democratic governance.


To provide the enabling structures and build capacity for efficient and effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the National Policy on Education in the Basic and Secondary sub-sector.


The main mandate/functions of the Department are:

·        Initiate and formulate policies for basic and secondary education.

·        Setting standards and provision of operational guidelines for setting up of schools.

·        Ensuring teacher quality.

·        Monitoring curriculum delivery in basic and secondary   schools.

·        Overseeing the management of the 104 Federal Unity Colleges.

·        Formulation, planning, Implementation and Co-ordination of policies, programmes and activities for Early Childhood Care Development Education (ECCDE).

·        Addressing the Al-majiri Syndrome in collaboration with UBEC.

·        Monitoring/supervision of the conduct of the National Common Entrance Examination in collaboration with NECO.

·        Collaborating with the states and FCT to ensure uniformity and standardization in the conduct of BECE examinations nationwide

·        Monitoring of Basic Education Certificate Examinations nation-wide in collaboration with State Education Resources Centres.

·        Working with states, NGOs and International Development Partners on issues concerning Gender Education (girl/women/boys).

·        Provision of functional literacy and continuing education for adult and youths who never had the advantage of formal education or who did not complete their primary education.

·        Promoting of Multilingual Education-Foreign and Nigerian Languages.

·        Coordinating Nigerian French Language Project.

·        Formulation, co-ordination, supervision and implementation of all Policies and programmes targeted at the education of the children with special needs including physically challenged, visually/hearing impaired, albinos, autistics, children Down’s syndrome, gifted etc.

·        Exercise oversight functions on FME Parastatals including UBEC, NMEC, NCNE, and examination bodies like WAEC, NABTEB, NECO and the proposed National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies (NBAIS) which is currently under the supervision of the department.

·        Maintains and runs a language clinic for the teaching and learning of Nigerian Languages (Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo).


The Department has five (5) Divisions through which it carries out its mandate.  These are:

a)      Basic Education Division;

b)      Secondary Education;

c)       Unity Schools

d)      Special Education;

e)      Language Project



1.    Early  Childhood Care and Primary (ECC/P)

2.    Junior Secondary Education (JSE)

Mandate of ECC/P Branch

The Early Childhood Care and Primary Education Branch is charged with the responsibility of:

1.   Expanding, universalizing and integrating interventions from various sectors in early childhood development for effective implementation and coordination of programmes that will optimize development for children age 0-5 years in Nigeria.

2.   Formulation, Planning, Implementation and Coordination of policies, programmes and activities for the promotion of Early Childhood and Primary Education in Nigeria

3.   Coordinating the national steering Consultative Committee on the implementation of ECD in Nigeria

4.   Monitoring of ECD activities and developing strategies for advocacy and sensitization of stakeholders for increased funding and support for ECD activities in Nigeria.

5.    Creating awareness and advocacy on Early Childhood Development and Primary;

6.    Maintaining minimum standard in the centres and school through the prescription of standards and guides and monitoring;

7.    Institutionalization of Child Participatory Rights in schools;

8.    Observing and celebrating of International days such as Children’s Day Celebration; and

9.    capacity Building and development of Caregivers and ECD practitioners.

Activities of ECC/P

·        Development and dissemination of Early Childhood Development Policy;

·        Managing a Model Resource Centre and Crèche;

·        Coordination of the National Early Childhood Development Consultative Committee (IECDCC);

·        Institutionalization of Child Participatory Rights in Schools.

·        Coordination of National Enrolment Drive Planning meetings and monitoring of Enrolment Drive activities in the 36 States and FCT.

·        Monitoring of the implementation of Early Childhood development activities in the 36 states and FCT.

·        Coordination of the National ECD Working Group meetings for improved synergy and partnership among line Ministries for a holistic approach.

Junior Secondary Education


The JSE Branch is charged with the responsibility of:

·        Formulation of Policies with reference to 3-year Junior Secondary Education;

·        Monitoring/Supervision of the conduct of the National Common Entrance Interview in conjunction with NECO;

·        Monitoring the usage and implementation of new JSS curriculum;

·        Coordination the Standardization and Harmonization of Basic Education Certificate Examination;

·        Collaborating with the States in the development of capacity for the implementation of the Basic Education Examination;

·        Monitoring of Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination nation- wide in collaboration with State Education Resource Centre;

·        Overseeing the implementation of the National Policy on Education and the decisions of the National Council on Education with reference to Junior Schools;

·        Collaboration with Universal Basic Education Commission on basic education activities; and

·        Attending to all matters dealing with Junior Secondary Education in collaboration with UNICEF, UNESCO and Federal Ministry of Women Affairs.

Activities of Junior Secondary Education Branch

·        Planning workshop with State Directors of Basic Education Certificate Examination for harmonization and standardization;

·        Carrying out supervision of Junior Secondary Certificate Examination nationwide; and

·        Planning capacity building workshop on skill acquisition on item writing for junior secondary school teachers in the six geo-political zones.



·        State and Private Secondary Schools

·        Documentation and School Records

Mandate of the Division:

·        formulates policies on secondary education and guides the inputs from the States to ensure alignment with the National Policy as well as NCE decisions. This is achieved through the Chairmanship of JCCE reference Committee and Plenary Session Secondary Education;

·        Collaborates with relevant agencies, NGOs and Development Partners in capacity building and co-curricular activities in secondary education as a means of boosting learning and providing support to formal classroom. To this effect, there is encouragement and collaboration with NGOs in debates and quiz competitions;

·        Deals with matters concerning Public Examinations Bodies like NECO and WAEC.

·        Collection and Collation of Data on Federal Unity Colleges, State and Private Schools

·        Handles issues concerning professional associations like Annual Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS), National Union of Teachers (NUT), National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS)

·        Participates in the coordination of the Safe Schools Initiative in collaboration with Presidential Committee on the North – East Initiative (PCNI), Federal and donor groups. Currently, students from the areas of insurgency are in various FGCs in the North Central and North West zones.

Activities of the Division

a)   Collaborates with the organizers of the President’s School Debate Nigeria (PSDN) and other such groups.

b)   Compiles/ documents and keeps School records especially the Federal Unity Colleges.

c)   Collaborates with the states on issues concerning secondary schools in Nigeria

d)   Collaborates with the States to ensure quality of the infrastructural facilities in schools and compliance to the minimum approved standard in the states and private secondary schools in Nigeria.

e)   Relates with professional associations like NUT, ANCOPSS, NAPTAN, NAPPS (National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools).

f)    Deals with matters concerning WAEC and NECO, monitors and ensure quality of Student’s performance in WAEC and NECO.

g)   Periodical updating of the register of private secondary schools in Nigeria in collaboration with the state Ministries of Education.

h)   Coordinating the activities of Safe School Initiative (SSI) Programme and students on the SSI scholarship in the various Federal Unity Colleges.

i)     Working on matters relating to the insurgency in the North East as it relates to Basic and Secondary Education.



i.             Generation of policy framework and supervising the implementation of policies for the provision of qualitative Secondary Education in Federal Government Colleges;

ii.            Development and implementation of policy guidelines on Secondary Education with respect to Federal Government Colleges;

iii.           Supervision of 104 Federal Government Colleges to serve as vehicles for National Unity and Models for states and Private Secondary Schools;

iv.          Dissemination of information on Secondary Education to Federal Government Colleges;

v.            Monitoring the implementation of Educational policies in the Federal Government Colleges.


i.             Collection and collation of data from the Colleges;

ii.            Dissemination of information to the Colleges;

iii.           Organize Principals’ Annual Conference Meeting and other ad-hoc meetings;

iv.          Facilitate the admission process to Federal Government Colleges;

v.            Deal with correspondences from the general public and other stakeholders in matters concerning Federal Government Colleges;

vi.          Liaise with other Departments on issues of appointment, promotion, posting staff welfare and facilities in the Colleges;

vii.         Attendance at School Based Management Committee (SBMC) along with other FME representatives;

viii.        Attend to the public on issues concerning Federal Government Colleges;

ix.           Attend Parent Teacher Association (PTA) general elections to ensure that the rules and procedures are strictly adhered to;

x.            Deal with issues from agencies and parastatals such as WAEC, NECO, NABTEB and other stakeholders as it affects Federal Government Colleges;

xi.           Participate in Speech and Prize-giving Day, founders’ Day, Inter-House Sports, FEDCOL Games and any other College ceremonies/activities when directed.

There are one hundred and four (104) Federal Unity Colleges spread across the six geo-political zones of the country comprising:

.  39 – Federal Government Colleges (FGCs) – Boys and Girls;

.  39 – Federal Government Girls’ College (FGGCs) – Girls only;

.  2 – Boys’ College – Boys only;

.  1 – Federal Government Academy (for the Gifted and Talented Children) Boys and Girls;

. 21 – Federal Science and Technical Colleges (FSTCs) 20 mixed and 1 (FSTC Uyo) for Girls only;

.  2 – Federal Science Colleges (Boys and Girls) one in the North West and one in the South – South Geo-Political Zones



Special Education Division consist of three branches as follows

i.        Adult and Non-Formal Education Branch,

ii.        Gender Education Branch,

iii.        Special Needs Education and Services Branch.

Critical Functions/Activities of the Division

The functions of Special Education Division are:

³ To formulate and develop policies on Gender, Adult and Non Formal and Special Needs Education.

³ Coordinate activities related to Gender Education and Special Needs Education across the states.

³ Liaise with Parastatals, Agencies, International Development Partners and Civil Society Groups on the implementation of policy issues on Gender, Adult and Non-Formal and Special Needs Education.

³ Direct Intervention in specific projects initiated and implemented by FME in relation to the mandate of the Division.

³ Coordinate Advocacy and sensitization visit to states on boys/Girl-Child education, Special Needs/Inclusive Education issues and Adult and Non-Formal Education.

i.             Adult and Non-Formal Education Branch


i.        Coordinate the activities of Federal Government Agencies charged with Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education. Also, through collaboration with relevant agencies, it oversees the formulation and implementation of National Policy on Mass literacy Adult and Non-Formal Education.

ii        Collaborates with International Organizations on issues of mass literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education.

iii       Encourage and partner with non-governmental organizations involved in non-formal education.

iv       Represent FME in all mattes that relate to Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal education.

v        Acts through agencies under it, develop literacy programmes and mobilize people to participate in Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education.

iv       Champion the eradication of illiteracy in Nigeria using

ii.           Gender Education Branch

Mandate: The mandate of gender education is to promote gender sensitivity at all levels in pursuit of the National Policy on Education (NPE), the attainment of SDGs targets and to ensure gender equity in the delivery of basic education provision in Nigeria.


.  Formulate policies on Gender Education and ensure Implementation.

.  Address Imbalance in Gender Parity in Education delivery

.  Coordination and Implementation of Advocacy/sensitization activities on Gender Education

.  Coordinates Monitoring and Evaluation activities on Gender Education issues

.  Coordinates the activities of the State Agencies on Gender Education

.  Coordinate, supervise and collaborate with International Development Partners, NGOs/FBOs/CBOs Organizations and other Stakeholders on matter relating to Gender Education such as Girls Education Project (GEP)

.  Represents Government in matters relating to Gender Education issues

.  Coordinate and ensure implementation of Gender Mainstreaming/Gender Budgeting in Education Sector

.  Establishment and training of Mothers Association, female SBMC members and Community Based Organizations

.  Coordinate the implementation of the Girl-Child issues in Nigeria

iii.          Special Needs Education and Services Branch.


The mandate of Special Needs Education is to ensure proper access to quality educational opportunities in barrier-free environment for all children with Special Needs.

Functions of the Branch

.  To formulate polices which will ultimately lead to the education of children and youths living with disabilities.

.  Co-ordination of the education of the Special Needs Nationwide

.  Co-ordination and implementation of inclusive Education Practices in Schools in Nigeria

.  Monitor activities and programmes of Special Needs education throughout the country.

.  Data collection of Special Needs Persons Nationwide.

.  Liaise with NERDC to ensure inclusive Curriculum relevant to special needs education.

.  Liaise with the Federal Scholarship Board to award scholarship to the Special Needs Persons in Tertiary Institutionsand Unity Colleges.

.  Coordinate and ensure the training of teachers on early identification and placement of Special Needs persons.

.  Collaborate with the line Ministries (Women Affairs, Health and Labour) on issues affecting Special Needs.

.  Collaborate with examination bodies (Jamb, NECO, WAEC, NTI) as it affects students with Special Needs.

.  Collaborate with Federal Government Academy Suleja on Screening Examination for selection into JS. 1 of the college.

.  Establish National Diagnostics and Assessment Centre for Persons with Special Needs.

.  Skill enhancement on the utilization of diagnostic and assessment materials for personnel of the diagnostic centre for persons with special needs



i.     Nigeria/Arabic Languages Branch

ii.    Foreign Languages Branch

Activities of Nigeria/Arabic Languages Branch

i.             Collaborating with some relevant agencies and stakeholders to promote the teaching and learning of Nigerian languages such stakeholders are

·        Linguistics Association of Nigeria (LAN).

·        Centre for Black African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC).

·        President’s School Debate.

·        UNESCO.

ii.            Takeover of the Project that Harmonized and Standardized Orthography of four Nigerian Languages (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba and Ijaw) from CBAAC.

iii.           Collaboration with President’s School Debate to commence debate in the 3 major Nigerian Languages (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba).

iv.          Institutionalization of the annual International MotherTongue Language Day Celebration (IMLD) in line with United Nations directives.

v.            Capacity building of Teachers of Nigerian/Arabic languages. The activity is aimed at improving and enhancing the pedagogical skills of the teachers of the languages as well as serves as train the trainers workshop.


Background Information

French was declared Second Official Language of Nigeria in 1996.

The Ministry in collaboration with the French Government has embarked on several actions to actualize the declaration.


i.        Two Bilateral French Project Funding Agreements between both countries have been signed and implemented.

ii.            The establishment of three strategic centres for French Teaching and Documentation located at Ibadan, Jos and Enugu.

iii.           The creation of a Centre for French Teaching and Information at the Federal Ministry of Education. French lessons are currently going on at the Centre for interested Ministry Staff.

iv.          Approval for Nigeria to become a member of the International Organization of Francophone (OEF) Countries has been given by the Federal Executive Council and the processes for achieving this are on-going. Nigeria is joining as an observer Nation at the first instance.

The French Government, on Thursday, 3rdJuly, 2014 gave approval for a third French Project for Nigeria.

The focus this time is on French teaching and learning at Tertiary level and it is for three years.

The main objective of the third project is to put in place a train the trainer structure that will ensure the sustainability of the French Language project


·        National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education (NMEC) published the National Policy Guidelines for Mass Literacy, Adult and Non- Formal Education in Nigeria (2017)

·        National Policy on Special Education and the Implementation guidelines

·        National Policy on Inclusive Education guideline

·        National Policy on Albinism Education and the Implementation guidelines

·        National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy (IECD 2007)

·        Guidelines on the Implementation of National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy

·        Early Childhood Development Standards for Nigeria (2014)

·        One Year Pre-Primary School Education Curriculum (2014)

·        Teachers Guide for One Year Pre-Primary School Education Curriculum

·        National Enrolment Drive Framework (2016)


I.        Federal Ministry of Education (FME) is about to establish pilot project on Adult and Non- formal Education Literacy centers in the Federal Government Colleges (FGCs) in collaboration with NMEC in six (6) Federal Government Colleges (FGCs), one in each geo-political zone of the country. These are:

–      Federal Government Girls College, Abaji (FCT)

–      Federal Government Girls’ College, Potiskum (Yobe State)

–      Federal GovernmentGirls’ College Kazaure (Jigawa State)

–      Federal Government Girls’ College Ezzamgbo (Ebonyi State)

–      Federal Government Girls’ College Odi (Bayelsa State)

–      Federal Government Girls’ College, Oyo (Oyo State)

The objectives for the establishment of the literacy centres in the colleges are to:

·        train the non-literate staff in Literacy and Numeracy;

·        Enhance their effectiveness in the discharge of their duties;

·        Boost their morale and self-confidence;

·        Provide opportunity for them to realize their potentials

II.        Collaboration with NYSC on the enlisting of Early Childhood Development Activities on the Community Development Service programme

The Ministry has signed an MoU with NYSC on the Implementation of the programme. The purpose is to increase community participation in the promotion of Early Learning, especially in hard to reach communities.  The Objective is to engage corp members through the CDS programme to support communities to establish and manage Community Early Childhood Care centers (CBECC)

III.         Teaching of the 3 major Nigerian languages, French and Arabic languages to FME staffs and other interested Nigerians. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the use of indigenous language in Nigeria and enable Nigerians keep to regional and International Initiatives on the use of indigenous and other languages in Nigeria.

The language lessons are scheduled as follows:

.  Hausa Language: Mondays

.  Yoruba Language: Tuesdays

.  Igbo Language:  Wednesdays

.  French language:  Thursdays

. Arabic Language:  Fridays

Time: 2pm – 3:30pm

Venue: Language Project Conference Room,

6th Floor, Fed. Min. Of Education Headquarters

Phase 111, Fed. Secretariat Complex, Abuja.


Monitoring of the Common Entrance Examination

The Common Entrance Examinations in the Federal Government Colleges is under the purview of the National Examinations Council (NECO).  Federal Ministry of Education officials take part in this exercise as dictated by NECO.

Selection Exercise

This is the process of distributing successful candidates at the National Common Examinations into the Federal          Government Colleges based on their performance (fixing the cut off marks for entrance into the FGCs) There is need to schedule the exercise early enough to ensure quality entrants into these Schools.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Principals of Federal Government Colleges

Principals of the 104 Federal Government Colleges come together to share best practices for improved performance in the colleges.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Congress

PTA activities are very important in the development of Schools.  It is therefore pertinent that the Ministry pays close attention to these activities in all the Federal Government Colleges.

School Based Management Committee

Members of the Department represent the Ministry on the School Based Management Committee in all the Federal Government Colleges to observe proceedings, encourage transparency and due process, and give proper guidance on the operation of SBMC to members, amongst other functions.

Mohammad Mammam Karage

Director Basic & Secondary Education